11 Jun Drift or navigate? A question to help with the questions
“Same storm, different boats” has been a much-used phrase during the COVID-19 pandemic. And whether we had a hastily cobbled-together raft or a luxury liner, most of us have been going wherever the winds and waves take us whilst focusing on simply staying afloat.
But now the storm may be abating somewhat. And that offers each of us a choice. Will we continue to drift? Or will we navigate somewhere intentionally? And, if we’re to navigate somewhere, where will we go, and why, how, and with whom?
Questions, questions. And instead of offering answers, I’m going to offer another question. A single question which I hope may help you find your own answers – or perhaps find the questions that are most important for you right now. Here it is.
“If you knew that you can navigate to better, what would you do?”
During lockdown, you’ll have experienced challenges large and small. You’ve probably felt things like heartache, grief, loss, rage and frustration more deeply, harder and more often than before.
“So, if you knew that you can navigate to better, what would you do?”
During lockdown, you’ll probably have rediscovered or found new things you love doing, reconnected (virtually) with people you care about and met new folk, uncovered personal strengths and built or restored habits you’d like to keep.
“So, if you knew that you can navigate to better, what would you do?”
During lockdown, you may have become aware of tiny details of the world immediately around you that you’d never noticed before. And you may have become aware of the whole planet and the people on it in a fresh way.
“So, if you knew that you can navigate to better, what would you do?”
During lockdown, you’ve probably been asking yourself the big ‘life questions’. ‘What really matters?’ ‘Who am I?’ ‘What am I doing with my life?’. Perhaps you’re starting to see some answers or possibilities.
“So, if you knew that you can navigate to better, what would you do?”
As we gradually come out of lockdown, will you drift or will you navigate? Will you go with the flow and the easy options or will you start the work of building a new or different future for yourself, those around you, and the world beyond? What’s one thing you will do today? I’ll ask you one last time, in a slightly different way:
“If you knew that you can navigate to better, what will you do?”
If you’d like to explore this question, or any others, with me I’m offering coaching over Zoom or (for SW London folk) outdoors at a safe distance.
(Photo by Griffin Wooldridge on Unsplash)